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[email protected]

Joined 1 year, 7 months ago

Reader of all sorts of fiction, and non-fiction mostly about urbanism, technology, or anything else that piques my curiosity.

For non-book related tooting, you can find me at @[email protected]. And I sometimes write on my personal blog at

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Christof's books

Currently Reading

How to Blow up a Pipeline (2020, Verso Books) 3 stars

Why resisting climate change means combatting the fossil fuel industry

The science on climate change …

Now, one reason why climate stabilisation appears such a frightfully daunting challenge is that no state seems prepared to even float this idea, because capitalist property has the status of the ultimate sacred realm. Who dares to throw it on the scrapheap? What government is willing to send in its forces to ensure the forfeiture of this amount of profit?

How to Blow up a Pipeline by  (Page 49)

How to Blow up a Pipeline (2020, Verso Books) 3 stars

Why resisting climate change means combatting the fossil fuel industry

The science on climate change …

Thus we find ourselves between two scissor blades: on the one hand, unbending business-as-usual, taking emissions ever higher and confounding hopes for mitigation; on the other, delicate ecosystems crashing down – the extraordinary inertia of the capitalist mode of production meeting the reactivity of the earth.

How to Blow up a Pipeline by  (Page 47)

How to Blow up a Pipeline (2020, Verso Books) 3 stars

Why resisting climate change means combatting the fossil fuel industry

The science on climate change …

'Current investments', the study on coal observes, can be seen 'as an indication that investors do not believe in future climate policy or that they are confident in their own lobbying power.' They still feel that they own the world.

How to Blow up a Pipeline by  (Page 25)

How to Blow up a Pipeline (2020, Verso Books) 3 stars

Why resisting climate change means combatting the fossil fuel industry

The science on climate change …

At what point do we escalate? When do we conclude that the time has come to also try something different? When do we start physically attacking the things that consume our planet and destroy them with our own hands? Is there a good reason we have waited this long?

How to Blow up a Pipeline by  (Page 11)

How to Blow up a Pipeline (2020, Verso Books) 3 stars

Why resisting climate change means combatting the fossil fuel industry

The science on climate change …

If a pandemic can induce governments to take emergency actions, why can't a climate breakdown that threatens to kill off the very life-support systems of the planet do the same? After this, there can be no more excuses for passivity.

How to Blow up a Pipeline by  (Page 7)